About Coastal
To us, the journey is just as important as the destination. We believe that faith should give life not burden it. After all it was Jesus who said that he came to give life and give it more abundantly. Life is Good is more than a tag line, a motto, or bumper sticker slogan to us. We actually believe it and want to live it.
Coastal Community Church, Sebastian, FL is a church that believes in real relationships. We believe that God loves people where they are and desires to interact with them in their current situation. We are not the church for those who have it all together. We are a collection of imperfect individuals; individuals who make mistakes and do not have it all figured out.
We are passionate about living out our faith in a way that isn't phony or awkward.
If this sounds like the type of church experience that you are seeking, check out our Sunday morning worship gathering. Or if you can't make it on Sunday, contact one of our life group leaders to see how you can be involved throughout the week.
Our Mission
To Live Loved by God and to Love Others with God's Love.
Coastal Community Church loves to love people because God loves to love us! We want to be so much more than a place to meet on Sunday mornings. We want to be a catalyst for good in our community and around the world. Everyone is welcome to join in this mission... just as they are... because Jesus loves everyone just as they are.
Core Values
We believe every person is created in the image of God with inherent value. People matter to Jesus, so they matter to us!
God longs for transparency. We strive to live in honesty before God and others.
We believe that is important to grow in our faith, our pursuit of God, and any area in our lives where the Holy Spirit chooses to work.
Everything that we do can be an act of worship. Any expression of true goodness is worship because God is the Creator of all.
Worldwide Impact
We endeavor to impact our community and the entire globe by sharing the Way of Jesus.
Statement of Faith
The church is a community of Christ-followers dedicated to encouraging and supporting the spiritual journey of its members and all of those with whom its members contact. We believe that as an agent for redemptive change in both the local and global community, the church should actively engage in activities that improve the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual conditions of all mankind.
The family is God’s expression of his relationship with the church. We believe solely in the holy Scriptures that defines marriage as a covenant and sacred bond between a man and a woman instituted by and publicly entered into before God.
We believe the Bible is inspired by God and is without error as originally transcribed. It contains His truth for our lives for today and tomorrow.
God, the creator of all things, made us, all of mankind, in His image so that He may be glorified through fellowship with us; however, sin entered the world and mankind became separated from God. Moved with great compassion, God sent Jesus Christ, His only son, down to the earth where he lived a sinless life as a man. He chose to die on a cross and was raised from the dead to allow us the opportunity to renew our relationship with God. To all who accept His sacrifice, He gives the Holy Spirit as a guide and the promise of eternal life.